DevBlog: May 2021
The Early Access release day is approaching, and we are trying to have everything under control. You probably know that situation: you think you have everything under control, but in [...]
The Early Access release day is approaching, and we are trying to have everything under control. You probably know that situation: you think you have everything under control, but in [...]
Demo anniversary It’s been a month since we released the Steam demo on the 12th of April! That was a big milestone for Rail Route, and a great opportunity for [...]
Here it is! The release date of the Early Access is approaching and we are happy to share the exact date with you: 23 June 2021 Become a train dispatcher [...]
One of the currencies in the endless mode are the experience points. They are shown as green and red train points at the top of the screen. You are awarded [...]
Troublesome Conversions There are several types of train in the Rail Route with different modes of operation. Most common are the commuter trains (starting with 'Com' prefix) that stop at [...]
Hello fellow Dispatchers! The celebrations of the new year are all behind us and we would like to have a moment and write about what you can expect (and what [...]
May it be better than the old one. We wish you robust health and a plenty of merry encounters with your loved ones. New Year Resolution: We are [...]
Just a few words about what happened today: we released 0.10.10 via the platform – most probably the last Rail Route release there. This small update marks the end [...]
Great news to share! We managed to put up the Steam page for Rail Route during the previous week and we are more than happy to share it with everyone. [...]